Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times

with Michael Danzansky


Tools, education and community to help parents to better support themselves and their adolescents


Get Your Free Guide: Keys to Maintaining a Loving and Trusted Connection with Your Teen

Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times
with Michael Danzansky

Tools, education and community to help parents to better support themselves and their adolescents.

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Are you worried about your teen's wellbeing?

You are not alone.


Nearly ⅓ of teens report suffering from anxiety and/or depression.

 ¾ feel the future is frightening.


Something isn’t right, and parents and caregivers, alongside of Governments, educational systems and medical establishments are struggling to know what to do.


It has been said we live in VUCA times: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Life is shifting faster than at any other time in human history, and while we are all learning to adapt, it is the rising generation who is paying the largest price. 


I believe the world's greatest resource to shift these trends is parents and caregivers. The challenge is not to "fix" our kids, but to help parents learn and model the tools they will need to navigate the world that they are inheriting. 


Join us in becoming the parent your teen needs you to be.


Join our newsletter and our free guide to greater connection

Ready to improve your relationship with your teen? 

Join our newsletter and as a welcome gift, you will get a downloadable copy of our guide: 5 Steps to Maintaining a Loving and Trusted Connection with Your Teen. 


Plus get access to upcoming free live streams trainings, workshops, tips and practices so you can become the best parent you can be.

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About Michael Danzansky

I love helping parents create more connection, ease and joy in their families' lives. 

If you are struggling with your relationship with your kids, concerned about their wellbeing or believe you are not showing up as the parent you want to be, I pretty much guarantee that your mindset and habitual patterns are contributing to the problem. Welcome to being human. 

The great news is that in a very short period of time you can create positive change for yourself and your family. Parent's I work with are constantly amazed at how quickly things can shift.  And it starts with your readiness to make it happen.

My work is curated from nearly two decades of learning,  training and coaching, and is a blend of the most recent scientific discoveries about body and mind, indigenous wisdom, eastern philosophy, somatic training, psychology, mindfulness and spiritual practice. I am excited to share the of the tools that have made such a big difference to me and so many.

I hope to see you in a training soon. To get started and receive access to free livestreams, trainings and masterclasses, sign up for our newsletter and join our incredible community of parents.

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Parenting Teens in Uncertain Times

Was birthed as a response to the rising teen mental health pandemic.  Kicked off by a worldwide summit featuring over 40 world renowned experts, we created a community to continue to grow and support each other. We offer free trainings and workshops, as well as personalized coaching. Our keystone class is called Transformational Parenting.

We would love you to join our mission to shift the trend of adolescent mental wellness.

If you have suggestions or just want to reach out, feel free to contact me: [email protected] 


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